The middle genu is characterized by an inverted Omega-shaped area in axial sections known as the Omega sign. Results:The central sulcus has three genua. Additionally, 5 formalin-fixed brains (10 hemispheres) were studied to clarify the anatomy of the central sulcus where the Omega shape is found. Methods:From July 2005 through December 2010, 43 patients with lesions in and around the central sulcus were operated using the contralateral Omega sign concept. We do not intend to replace modern techniques, but to show an easy, cheap and relatively effective way to recognize the relationship between the central sulcus and the lesion. The aim of this study is to show the usefulness of the contralateral Omega sign for the location of tumors in and around the central sulcus. In a brain with a lesion in this area, its identification becomes a hard task irrespective of the technique applied.

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